True Love Has a Passion for You!
True Love Has a Passion for You The Book
The book is an open invitation to the Reader to have a real relationship with True Love. Through the book, the Reader is able to take a peek into the private thoughts, emotions and desires of love that is being expressed by a predetermined, established decision. True Love Has a Passion for You! was designed for all ages, races and cultures with the understanding that our innate desire to be loved and accepted are a life long pursuit of mankind. So…True Love awaits!
Available now at Amazon.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9794489-1-1
Retail: $12.95
True Love Has a Passion for You The Companion Journal 
What would you do for True Love?
Birthed out of a thirst to pursue God, the True Love Has a Passion for You! Journal provides answers into the search for spiritual self-discovery. This book guides you to embody the heart of God and understand that True Love seeks to ignite the gift in you. How? Relationship.
After reading this journal, you will find hidden treasures to help you
- Let go of the things that stifle True Love.
- Find liberty in True Love.
- Humble yourself to release the glory of True Love.
- Develop healthy natural and spiritual relationships.
- Uncover that God is Relationship.
Available now at Amazon.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9794489-0-4
Retail: $9.95
True Love Has a Passion for You The Study Guide
Are you willing to let True Love unlock the fire of passion in your heart?
True Love Has A Passion for You! Study Guide was designed to get the optimum capacity out of the book and journal which will turn the spot light of God’s Word onto the heart and mind of the Reader. The Study Guide reveals that the Body of Christ is flooded with religion, traditions, rules, regulations, doctrines of men and demons who have forced the saints to lose sight of the plan and purpose of the Lord God Almighty. The Study Guide ─ composed for use by an array of individuals and groups ─ will unfold the reality that we must be reintroduced, reacquainted, reiterated with Jesus Christ, His Ways, His Truth and the Eternal Vision of the Father to dwell with His people.
After working through this book, you will find hidden treasures to help you
- Understand mysteries of the gospel that have been poetically revealed.
- Let go of the things that stifle True Love.
- Find liberty in True Love.
- Create in you a hunger to know the real truth of God’s Word.
- Develop healthy natural and spiritual relationships.
- Uncover that God is Relationship.
- To ponder and question why we do the things we do in the house of God.
Available now.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9794489-2-8
Retail: $14.95