You are what you eat, think, and do
When asked about his favorite recipe, Executive Chef Keith Denard Jones used to say, “Lobster enchilada with jalapeño marmalade.” However, having experienced where-there’s-smoke-there’s-fire antagonists and out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire challenges, Chef KDJ has a new dish. His recipe of success consists of passion, preparation, and persistence. Blended with integrity, garnished with love, and served with charisma, he brings soul to the recipe of life.
Whether you’re a home chef, professional chef, or food lover, in this book, you will discover:
- Strategies to balance personal and professional goals
- Life lessons to stay focused, intentional, and inspired
- Tips to manage the hectic and ever-evolving world of food
- How to recognize and receive opportunities
- Chef KDJ’s favorite recipes from around the world
ISBN-13: 978-0-9962991-6-9
Available at and